Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Outsiders Post 2


Dallas, was very over whelmed by his friends Johnny's death.... after he left the hospital when Johnny had passed know one new were he had gone to. soon after most of the gang got a phone call from Dallas he was being chased by the police because he had robed a store. he asked his friends if they could meet him in the empty lot to help him hide. before his friends new it he was coming around the corner, then the police pulled up. they all jumped out of the cars and drew there guns. Dallas reached for him gun unloaded? no it was. he was just joking around with them the police ordered but he didn't listen he was shot down.
Dallas,had an elfish face high cheek bones and pointed chin small sharp animal teeth and ears like a lynx. his hair looked white but it is really blond.

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