Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Outsiders* 3

After sixteen year's I would think that you would have learned a lot on the streets, knowing that you have to get by on your own and sometimes you many even have to learn the hard ways of life. Johnny knew that he had to get by some how and this gang was one of them. He thought that this gang was his family his life at home was hard and all so this gang was one of the ways for him to let his feelings out and be able to talk to someone he trusts. Johnny always tried his hardest to stay out of as much trouble as he could. He had learned the hard way that staying out of trouble is the way to go. I think that Johnny would have liked to learn to get along with his family because family is every thing that you want in life, some one there to talk to and being able to see some one who is actually related to you every day or even someone to have a shoulder to cry on. But by being in the gang Johnny new that these were the kind of people that he would want to be around.

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