Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We arrived at the camp early one morning I was only 7 years old at the time. I was so young I didn't know what had happened. Thing was going to be OK, but apparently not. They crammed so many of us into one little cart. It was horrifying i was so scared. There were so many of us in one little cart that it was hard too breath it was as it someone was sitting on you the whole ride.

As we piled out of the cart it felt so good because of all the body heat that was trapped in there. They brought us all to this building there were so many people it was hard to believe what was going on. They lined us up, they took all of our valuables our clothes and they even tattooed us on our wrists. They separated us all in to groups women in one tent and the men in another each side of the tents were gated and the men and women weren't aloud to being the same area as each other...

* * *

Three days have gone by many of the people here were starving and deathly sick already. They gave us each barley Enough food to eat. All of the children were crying for food because they were so starved... The Germans came in every morning to check up on us to make sure any of us weren't sick, They mad us line up if we were sick then they would shoot us. Not fare i thought to my self. They are making us sick i don't under stand so much is happening.... Germans aren't perfect know one is prefect i don't know why we deserve this.
Its morning they wake us up so early. Earlier then we have to get up for school. They drag us all out to the field and make us dig these big wholes. Little do we know that these wholes are where they are going to berry us after they kill us. The sweat poorer down my face i was working so hard trying to show no fear but in side of me my body was full of it.
I looked over my shoulder at my mother crying as she was digging her whole.... They called her over to fallow the men with a bunch of other women. I sat and watched her walk away with the fear in her eyes, As a man comes up to me with a big gun and screams (get to work!) as I was working I noticed that my mother never came back.

* * *

Ever since then i dreaded pitching that in my head. The fear i had but thinking of what my mother was thinking as she walked away from me and a the rest of my family that day...

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