Monday, February 11, 2008

my life has bin hard. All my life i have cherished my uncle, he and i were like best friends. my mom got mad sometimes because i always wanted to go to his house. During the summer he became ill and it soon lead to the hospital. My mom and i were very worried about him the doctor said that he would be ok and my aunt was releaved. we soon left the hospital and went home but my uncle still had to be on medications and have an iv at his home with him. so my mom voleteared to go every day at two and give him the iv. i seen my uncle more then then i have seen my cusins in a year! When we were at his house i would sit on the end of his chair and talk to him like i was having a phone conversation with my best friend, we told each other everything, and when i say everything i mean everything! He always told me to do my best on every thing and i always did my best for him. when i did succead on something he woud tell me that life is hard but there are always second chances but you dont no how many of them you have so take those chances and ack like they were your last, live your life to the fullest and dream big because sometimes your dreams do come true.

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My uncle was all better! the whole family was happy. but then that day came and he fell ill again. I cried because i had a feeling this time it wouldnt turn out like last time... We ended up in the hospital again. Day after day my mom and i went to the hospital to see him and comfurt my aunt. the doctor had bin saying that he was growing weak but he will be ok for now. we all cried of happiness. Then the worst day of my life arived, that day i wanted to go to my friends house, i went to the hospital early that morning to see him but he wasnt up. so we left my mom droped me off at my friend brittany's house and she returned to the hosital. by the time she got there my uncle was up, she was talking to him and he seemed fine. my mom went out into the hall to talk to the doctor and all they heard was my aunt cry... she said that she had takin a deap breath and just passed right there and then. my mom ran in and comfuted my aunt. but it was all to late my mom didnt no how to tell me i was at my dads house that night so she told him and he told me when i got home.
i walked into the kichen and every one was silent and i new something was wrong, i was all happy and cheerful and then it all disapeared. i was sitting on my bed just thinking of how my uncle was doing, and then my dad walked in and i could tell by the look on his face something really bad had happened. he told me and i cried for two days. i was silent i didnt talk to anyone i just nodded to a yes or no question. Soon i went to my moms house and she was still in tears we went to my aunts house and we all cryed. we were all so close i felt as if i had lost my left arm he was my best friend.
every time i go to my aunts house i just sit on the couch and look at his chair that his cat always sleeps in the cat knows that he isnt there you could tell he was always on his lap but life dosnt always go how you want it to, and evenchually all you love ones will pass and you will go thought all the heart ack over again!

1 comment:

Ms. Strout said...

Hey, lady. Thanks for sharing this very personal story. Your uncle is lucky to have such a compassionate and sensitive niece. I am sure he is so proud of you. 15/15