Monday, June 9, 2008

The Last Blog!!

1) During the beginning of the year in September i was a whole different person. As a Freshman you come into high school thinking that you are at the top just like the year before as a eighth grader, but really you are at the bottom again as a freshman... Freshman year has been awesome you meet tons of new friends and the way you preset your self alone with you attitude. Now at the end of the year myself and my classmates are total different people!

2) During this year we have studied many different topics of literature. But something that really didn't inerest me was the book Animal Farm. This book was very slow going and it really wasn't one of those books that you wanted to keep on reading.

3) This year had many challenging topics that we had studied. one of them that i found the hardest was literary terms i just found them confusing..

4) This year i liked learning about Holocaust, i found it very intrestinmg but at the same time i found it very harsh and cruel. like in the book Night John the germans had teated the jews very sadly and the jews did nothing to diserve that.

5) If i had to give the freshman class a peice of advice i would tell them to keep there closest friends close and let nothing come between them because the amount of drama that you go though in the year, it defially will ruin a friendship for ever. dont lissen to know one and what they have to say be your own kind of person, start your own trend!